Every year at this time,
Time publishes its list of
100 most influential people in the world. Always an eclectic group, the list includes: artists, activists, reformers, researchers, heads of state, captains of industry, entertainers and a host of others. According to
Time, these people 'spark dialogue and dissent and sometimes even revolution'. Barack and Michelle Obama, Oprah, Hillary, General David Petraeus, Joe Biden, Julian Assange, Prince William and Kate Middleton, Gabrielle Giffords, Amy Poehler, Mark Zuckerberg, Amy 'Tiger Mom' Chua, Michele Bachmann, Sting, Patti Smith, Rain, Colin Firth, Jonathan Franzen, a teary John Boehner, Chris Colfer (Glee is
huge), and Justin Bieber. (Yes,
Justin Bieber.)
Nowhere to be found: Glenn Beck, a certain ex-Governor of Alaska, Charlie Sheen.
Also nowhere to be found: People who have truly influenced
me. And, likely, those who have influenced you.
For while
Time's 100 may be newsworthy, including many powerful and some even truly influential people in the lives of millions, the question this week is one far more personal: Who in
your life has had the ability to effect
your character,
impact your development,
alter your behavior?
Asked another way, who rocks -- or has rocked -- your world?
Who are the people who have been a significant influence in your life? Who has helped shape who you are, provided guidance, been a motivator, a role model, an inspiration? Who has lifted your spirit, filled your heart, opened doors to new possibilities?
When you accept the award for The Best You Of All Time, who do you thank? (Will the music begin before you've completed thanking everyone?)
If you were an actual work of art -- and who isn't? -- what signatures would appear at the bottom of your canvas?
Might your 100 most influential people include: parents, siblings, offspring, friends, teachers, coaches, managers, colleagues, employees, mentors, religious leaders, authors, entertainers, artists, athletes, politicians, musicians, and/or a playwrights? A parent demanding excellence? A homeless person you pass each morning who smiles and wishes you a good day? A co-worker who gets it done with never a complaint? A manager who has taught you how to work, how to excel? Your bus driver who hums show tunes? That disabled guy at your gym who can out-lift nearly everyone? A friend who has returned to college at night to complete a degree? A teacher from years ago who lit a fire where no fire had burned before, who pushed you without mercy? An author whose character
was you -- or
could be you? A band that makes your heart soar? A woman who once said 'yes'? A man who once said 'no'?
Who are your influencers? Can you name them? Can you describe how they've changed your life? Equally important,
do they know they're on your list?
Take a few minutes to create your list of top influencers. Be discerning, including only those who did, indeed, help define you. Since no one will see your list, avoid including politically-correct names. And no worries if you can't find 100 people; few of us can or will. Ten
true influencers is a good list.
[Insert music to think by here and, please,
not Jeopardy.]
Finding this difficult? Many undoubtedly will. We typically don't take the time to consider important topics of this ilk often. No muscle memory, so to speak. Don't let that deter you. Let your mind go; the names and experiences will appear.
Once your list is complete, consider these questions:
1 Does your list include a teacher? If so, why?
2. Does your list include anyone from work (past or present)? If so, who and why?
On a related note, ask yourself:
3. Might
you be on someone's list? If so, why?
By definition, those on your list provided you powerful support, guidance and, likely, inspiration. Each person, in his or her own way, gave you direction and hope. Each taught you in some way
how to approach the world,
how to aspire to something great. Each taught you how to express who you truly are, how to
be who you truly are, how to realize your dreams. Some may have even helped you dream. All helped you live large.
Your homework for this week, class, has two parts: First, complete your list. Take the time to get it right, to include everyone who has helped shape you. Then, and this is very important,
honor those who are on your list by telling them the role they've played in your life.We know this may be a difficult assignment. Even so, admit it, it's a worthy one. Especially when you consider the joy you will provide when talking with those who have done so much in your life. And who knows? Maybe someone will tell you about the value you've provided. Imagine how that might fill your heart.
Next week: An introduction to something quite cool, something we call
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