Not to cast aspersions on CBS, but we think their 7 phrases was a big swing and a miss. And we should know, right? I mean who swings and misses more often than we at TJOW? When it comes to swings and misses, we are the market leader. (You'll give us that, won't you?)
At any rate, CBS would have you never use these phrases:
- When
- Someday
- Willpower
- Want/Wish/Hope
- Not good enough
- I don't have time, and
- It's not the right time.
Their main points: It's in your control and now is the time.
Nice sentiments. But, as it turns out, none are really about work. We wish they were. (Oops. Sorry. They said to never use the word 'wish'. Don't tell the good folks at who, by the way, ought to be watching money rather than telling us what not to think or say. That's our job.)
So, as a public service we offer TJOW's 7 expressions never, ever to think or say at work.
Here we go:
2. I'm too old to learn anything new. Without doubt, a bad thing to think and a worse thing to say at work. Many use this as a defense, others as a rationalization. For some, it may be truth. Regardless, you're never too old to learn. It might take you longer to get it, it might involve technology (which is getting easier and more intuitive by the minute) but as long as blood is flowing to your brain, you have the capacity to cram a bit more information into it. Trust us. We know.
3. Remember when? That rear-view-mirror approach to work is a waste, as wistful thinking about how wonderful the past was gets you nowhere. Those days are gone. Get over it. Turn your head in the direction your company is driving. Your neck will feel better almost immediately.
4. We don't need all of our customers. How many times have we heard this one! Especially from those who serve the public daily. Think: Flight attendants, sales reps, customer service staff, bank tellers (or those who used to be called 'tellers'), even executives. Those people who can make or break a company based on the service they provide. Every company should be on the lookout for this potentially profit-killing sentiment and the behaviors that come with it.
5. The feedback can wait until the annual review. Another common thought -- and practice -- in companies everywhere. Why help someone improve their ability to deliver top quality work? Said that way, you'd think honest feedback would be provided as the opportunity arises. But, no. Apparently, giving feedback -- nearly always negative -- is too difficult, takes too much energy, and is something to be avoided. What a shame, because many are missing the chance to up the game of others. And, of course, company performance suffers. Avoid this one like The Plague.
The last expression is probably the most common and, without doubt, in our way of thinking about the workplace, the one thought that has undermined the performance of countless companies. It is the one belief that has prevented sports teams -- teams filled with outstanding talent -- from winning. The concept and the behaviors that result are insidious and make the workplace anything but the collegial, team-oriented, winning place most of us desire.
Those are our 7. Avoid them at all cost. And, of course, if you're seeing evidence of any of them at work, give a call. We can help.
Enjoy the week.
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