And that's when we're not at work. (Where many of us go if only to get a break from the mayhem of the holiday season.)
It's definitely a tough time of year. There's simply too much forced joy in the air. And not nearly enough kindness.
So we ask: Is being kind, spreading happiness such hard work? Apparently so.
We at TJOW, of course, beg to differ. Spreading joy isn't nearly as hard as many might think.
And let's be clear, we're not talking about random acts of kindness. We're talking about purposeful, consistent, on-going, habit-forming acts of kindness. Simple, no-cost acts of graciousness that, in their small way, spread joy.
Holding doors, allowing a car to merge, complimenting her shoes, praising his outfit, helping someone cross the street -- these are easy. Take a step up and tell a co-worker or two how much you appreciate them. Thank an employee for the sacrifices, for working long hours. Write to that long-lost friend. Call the cousin you miss. Tell a friend from high school about the crush you had on him/her. Advance to a yet higher level, go old-school and send a hand-written, heart-felt thank-you note to someone, anyone for just about anything. Send a note of appreciation to your CEO. Write to your mom, your dad. Give a friend a hug -- and not some lame, insincere air hug, but the real thing -- just because. Seek out someone you wronged and apologize. Write a poem. Sing a song.
We're offering small, easy, no-cost suggestions. Think for a moment and you'll have ideas. But don't let us get in the way of you going big. The Opera Company of Philadelphia has promised 1,000 random acts of culture, all designed to enrich the lives of others. This one is spectacular. We defy you not to feel better while watching.
Spread joy. You'll feel good. Someone else will feel good. And who knows? It just might become contagious. Millions might get into the act.
We're in. Are you?
And to those of you who'd like a new, non-Adam Sandler Chanukah song, check this out. It's a kick. Happy Chanukah!
Now get busy spreading joy.
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