Walk. Somewhere, anywhere.
And, please, no excuses. Excuses are for the fat and unfit among us. No whining about the weather. No garbage about not having the right shoes or the right outfit. No rationalizing about today not being a good day to start.
Want to feel better, both body and soul? Want your clothes to fit? Want to feel more capable, more self-assured? Want more mojo? Want to feel happier?
After two weeks, walk for 20 minutes every other day, and not a minute more. Do it for two weeks, again seeing how far you can go in those 20 minutes.
Now you're a month into it. You're ready for the big time. Walk for 30 minutes every other day. Make sure you perspire. If you don't, you're walking too slowly.
Thirty minutes every other day is all we at TJOW's Health and Well-being Department ask. But, hey, if you want to walk longer every other day that's cool. We'll still love you.
You're asking: Why have we devoted an entire week's blog to walking? Have we suddenly become exercise fanatics? Jack LaLanne devotees? (Boy, that reference surely dates us!) What's next, health food advocacy? Have we turned our back on fried food, sugary baked goods, cow? Have we, OMG!, started to think about our own mortality?
Fear not. Our hedonistic way of life is not in question and will be -- must be -- preserved. No, this is about something better.
So, why the advocacy for walking? Because, class, it's the easiest, least expensive way to feel and look better. Body and soul. And who among us won't benefit from feeling and looking better? (Let's avoid naming names, okay? This is the blogosphere, after all.)
Oh, and did we mention that walking reduces stress? Not like any of us has excess stress these days, mind you, what with work going beautifully for all of us, the economy humming on all cylinders, and everything at home functioning smoothly. No, everything is perfect. Right?
What's cool about walking is that nothing is required. No gym membership. No special clothing. No expensive shoes. No classes, meetings or point systems to learn. No special diet. No psychotherapy. And driving isn't even required. Start and end at your front door.
Indeed, if after you've been walking for a week or two and don't feel better, write to us. We'll refund your money.
But, fair warning: You may find walking to be habit-forming. You may find that feeling and looking better becomes you. You might actually become more fit. (Really. It's been known to happen.) And, as a result, you may find yourself thinking of other things to do outdoors.
Like, horrors among horrors, running. Or, better yet, bicycling.
Don't ever say we didn't warn you: Walking can lead to more strenuous forms of exercise. So proceed with caution. You never know where feeling and looking better might take you.
But enough talk already. Take a hike!
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